The MedSMART® is an automated medication management system that allows real-time monitoring of medication from the pharmacy to wards and patient bedsides. This system reduces costs while enhancing patient safety and healthcare quality in hospitals by optimizing pharmacy medication management processes.
Advantages of the System
Reduction in medication errors
Increase in patient safety and quality of healthcare
Saving in medication expenditures
Saving in nursing time in medication management
Increase in time spared for clinical applications by pharmacist in medication management
Prevention of expired medication waste
Shortening in first dose administration time
Reduction in IV liquids consumption
Increase in compliance with International Healthcare Accreditations
System Features
MedSMART® Automated Medication Management System runs in real-time thanks to pharmacy, billing and ADT (Admission-Discharge-Transfer) integrations made with the existing hospital information system (HIS). This feature reduces the time spent for documentation, eliminates manual billing, maximizes cost management and ensures revenue control and stock accuracy.
MedSMART® Automated Medication Management System may run “order-based” when required. Order-based interface ensures pharmacist to validate the order as a second authority before distribution.
All medication remove disdropped from inventory when the nurse takes the medication and logs out of the system, only the amount of the medication being taken for the patient is charged to the account of the patient. If the medication is returned to the system,