This module teaches you how to prepare for and perform an ultrasound examination of the spleen. Including both Learn and Test modes, the online simulator offers three different scan scenarios, including normal and pathological cases, and helps you learn the spleen scan protocol. Practice the steps of the procedures online as often as you want, until you feel confident.
Indications for ultrasound of the spleen
Identify spleen anatomy
Spleen protocol
Transducer positions
Scan planes
Identify and obtain sonographic images of the spleen and vascular structures
Obtain measurements of the spleen
Explain and demonstrate the use of breathing techniques to obtain optimal sonographic images of the spleen
Differentiate normal and abnormal sonographic appearances of the spleen
Differentiate and describe common pathologies of the spleen on sonographic images
Identify and obtain images of vascular flow of the splenic artery and vein
Identify and discuss the physiology of congestion of the spleen
Compare and contrast focal and diffuse disease of the spleen