SKOON Smart Handle a self-cleaning antimicrobial and hygienic door handle intended for door handles for hospitals, clinics, medical practices, retirement homes and all places sensitive to health security.
The handle is well suited for installation in patient areas or medical staff areas
A few seconds after switching on, the SKOON handle is automatically activated. The ring impregnated with a disinfectant and degreasing agent performs a round trip on the stand. It deposits a microfilm neutralizing pathogenic germs and dirt.
Only two consumables are necessary for its proper functioning.
Power is supplied by a standard 9V or rechargeable battery. In standard conditions of use, it needs to be changed or recharged at low frequency. For the active agent, nothing could be easier. The ring is recharged using an applicator bottle injecting a dose that lasts several days! Maintenance staff simply swap their rag for this bottle for the handle.