Stent Features
8 crowns for uniform & optimum vessel scaffolding.
Customized crown length for 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.0, 3.5, & 4.0 mm.
& Maintain consistent metal-artery ratio.
Innovative "S" link and alternate "C" link design.
Superior stent strength through strong cobalt chromium alloy.
& Thin Strut (60 pm).
Excellent deliverability & conformability.
& Growth of 8 % from nominal pressure to RBP allowing complete deployment and good wall apposition.
Available in length up to 45 mm.
Minimal Balloon Overhang which minimizes risk of edge dissection.
No Foreshortening suitable for Ostial lesion.
Low deflation time.
Excellent & uniform scaffolding.
High radial strength which makes it ideal for proximal lesion.
Low recoil ensures predictable results.