* Objective Verifiable Benchmarks
* Establish Realistic Thresholds of Performance
* Chart Retention Levels
* Identify Areas Needing Improvement
Decision Making
* Graph Numbers and Performance Levels
* Show Maintenance of Standards
* Graph Trends Over Time
* Objective Analysis to Feed into ROI
This product adds the eSERT Data Service to your BLS systems. ESERT is the SmartMan Data System that does all of the hard work related to Data for you, so you can focus on the meaning. The system collects and amalgamates the results data for the activities your students have produced. It cleans and verifies the data. SmartMan experts then create the Graphs and Tables for you to examine, export or include within your reports. You simply login and look for the meaning in your training Data.
It includes eSERT Starter which provides you with the full functionality of our advanced eSERT Max system. See below for further details and check out the brochure for more information.
eSERT brings the POWER of SmartMan's high performance ACCURACY into focus. Quickly print the graphs as pdf's or export them to include in larger reports. It is a system that has truly scientific standards so it can inform your decision making.
The SmartMan eSERT System
Easy To View Data
SmartMan eSERT does the work of collecting, cleaning, collating and verifying your training data. SmartMan also creates the graphs so that you can concentrate on looking at the meaning in your data.
Graphs & Tables
Graphs which show your data are already created with your agency names to make understanding immediate. Both Tables and Graphs respond as soon as you click on them.