correlation technology, which physically compares sample sequence traces to a reference trace, providing accuracy up to 99.5% with Phred 20 bi-directional sequences and a sensitivity of 5% of the primary peak.
A Unique tool for DNA Variant Analysis from Sanger Sequencing Traces
Mutation Surveyor® software is a powerful and accurate DNA Sequencing analysis tool for Sanger Sequencing files generated by the following electrophoresis systems:
Applied Biosystems Genetic Analyzers
Beckman CEQ
Promega Spectrum Compact CE System
Capable of performing variant analysis of up to 2000 Sanger sequencing files (.ab1, .RSD, .ESD & .scf) in 15 minutes, Mutation Surveyor delivers excellent accuracy, sensitivity, and low false-positive and false-negative rates in the analysis of DNA variants, including:
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
Homozygous insertions and deletions (indels)
Deconvolution and detection of heterozygous indels
Somatic mutations in direct sequencing.
The Mutation Surveyor package includes patented anti-correlation technology (U.S. Patent 8,086,410), which physically compares sample sequence traces to a reference trace, providing accuracy up to 99.5% with Phred 20 bi-directional sequences and a sensitivity of 5% of the primary peak.
Along with increased accuracy and sensitivity, Mutation Surveyor software features many tools:
Custom reporting
Automated download of annotated GenBank reference files
DNA methylation detection
Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis
Allele quantification
Variant Knowledge Database
Mutation Surveyor software includes features designed to enhance and optimize the process of variant discovery in Sanger sequencing traces.