Web visualization solutions for veterinary specialists or veterinary vendors who need to provide data access to veterinary imaging.
Web-based VET DICOM Viewer and veterinary imaging solutions, that are ready to integrate, easy to use and financially flexible.
MedDream VET is a web-based DICOM Viewer for VET PACS server/VET VNA designed for veterinarians, which conveniently manages veterinary imaging, diagnosing, archiving, transmitting and connects all the medical data into one unified and fast performing network. This is a powerful dicomweb software for searching, viewing and processing VET DICOM images, signals and video files on various devices: computers, smart phones, tablets and so forth. MedDream VET DICOM Viewer for veterinary imaging provides an interactive diagnostic interface with all required image processing features such as measurements, cine mode, study comparisons, etc.
MedDream VET is html5 zero-footprint DICOM Viewer that can be used for review purposes or even primary diagnostics. The VET DICOM Viewer is designed to make the images available across the veterinary clinic, even present images to the customers of the veterinary institution. The system is fully UNICODE compliant and provides the user interface with full support in English, Russian and Lithuanian languages with a possibility to add more user interface languages easily.