Cost-effective real-time qPCR master mix for probe-based qPCR assays.
This master mix has been developed for TaqMan® probes but is suitable for other hydrolysis probe types as well.
suitable for singleplex and duplex assays
high specificity and sensitivity
reaction set-up and shipment without dry ice
HOT FIREPol® Probe qPCR Mix Plus (ROX) is optimized for real-time quantitative PCR assays and contains all the components necessary to perform qPCR, with the exception of template, primers, and probe.
The qPCR Mix contains optimized components and HOT FIREPol® DNA Polymerase supplied in a proprietary reaction buffer that enables detection of low copy number targets. HOT FIREPol® Probe qPCR Mix Plus (ROX) is optimized for DNA hydrolysis probes based on the 5´ flap endonuclease activity.
HOT FIREPol® DNA Polymerase is activated by a 12 min incubation step at 95°C. This prevents the extension of non-specifically annealed primers and primer-dimers formed at low temperatures during qPCR setup.
Detection and quantification of DNA and cDNA targets
Profiling gene expression
Microbial detection
Viral load determination
Concentration: 5x
Hot-start: yes, initial activation in 12-15 min
Detection type: Probe-based
Reference dye: ROX
Compatible real-time instruments: Cyclers that require ROX reference dye.
Mix Components
HOT FIREPol® DNA Polymerase: chemically modified FIREPol® DNA Polymerase enabling hot-start
5x Probe qPCR buffer with 15 mM MgCl2: 1x PCR solution – 3 mM MgCl2
dNTPs: dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP
ROX reference dye