The ID7000 system software is easy to learn and use. It guides researchers from setup and QC to panel design, data acquisition, data analysis, through system shutdown. For accommodating users with varied experience levels, most workflows are designed with an expert mode and a guided mode. In guided mode, software wizards simplify system operation. The software provides access levels and tools to suit the needs of busy laboratories. Preferences allow users and administrators to specify options for overall instrument operation and experimental setup to facilitate use of the ID7000 spectral cell analyzer. It is also possible to configure software preference settings for each individual user for added convenience.
Intuitive Workflows for Acquisition and Analysis
In the ID7000 system software, users can create experiments from a template, an existing experiment, a single-stained sample, or a multicolor assay to accommodate their preferred approaches. New users can create new experiments with the Experiment Design Wizard. To accommodate multi-sample and multiparameter experiment needs, the ID7000 software provides both a Shared Worksheet and an Individual Worksheet. A Shared Worksheet allows each sample in a group to use the same worksheet and thus makes experiment setup more intuitive.
Instrument settings can be specified for each sample group and configured for lasers and detectors to give researchers the needed flexibility. Altering these settings for a sample in a group changes the settings for all unmeasured samples belonging to the same group. Instrument settings can be exported and imported
as needed.