Sordina was the first company in the world that started to create operating tables with mechanical movements and it still remains an excellent choice in its industry. Advanced research, close collaboration with the most important clinicians in modern surgery, an exclusive use of the cutting-edge technology and materials represent another Italian leadership. The ergonomic design and a wide range of accessories make the Sordina operating tables a piece of equipment for incomparable work.
Extreme ease of movement
Total security
Simple to use
Great versatility of use
Ergonomic design
Multiple possibilities of configuration
Wide range of disposable accessories
So many advantages for a leading-edge choice.
The Sordina operating tables are based on modular and interchangeable sections. They are produced with a special stainless steel ultra-light aluminium alloy of a high mechanical resistance. They are extremely resistant to corrosion and extremely low weights in order to ensure easy transfer. Moreover, the absence of welds, protrusions or mechanical obstructions simplifies cleaning and disinfection operations.
ST1 the new multidisciplinary SORDINA operating table with manual movements (mechanical and hydraulic). The ideal solution for outpatient surgery, day surgery, emergencies and
general cases.
Fitted with longitudinal translation of the surface and kidney splitting for use in complicated surgeries.