The Jump beta BSA enables a large therapeutic range with an exact determinable therapeutic benefit with its numerous variety of equipment. The foldable wheelchair has a frame with detachable and swing-back leg supports and the respective XL version for large people.
Customized individually to fit your measurements and needs.
Jump beta BSA is a foldable activity wheelchair for adolescents and adults from a seat width of 28 cm.
Jump beta BSA continues a mobilization initiated in early childhood up to a high adult age.
Jump beta BSA is the versatile follow-up model of the smaller Jump alpha and even exceeds its enormous range of option
Jump beta BSA is a real champion of variety for therapeutic use
Detachable leg support
Jump beta BSA is just as durable and variable as the Sport-frame version. The only build difference is the detachable leg support. It can swing out and be detached completely. This way the user can get closer to the daily things in life. The transfer in and out of the wheelchair can occur closer and can therefore be managed by the user themselves. Or they can use the rest of the strength in their legs to patter. The swing up leg support can also be used as a rest, for example after an injury and/or to prevent thromboses etc.
Can be converted anytime
The BSA-version of the Jump beta is based on our modular assembly system whereby many modifications or changes can be done after you have purchased your Jump. Should a change from swing-back to swing-up leg supports need to be done, this is possible without a problem. The mounting on the frame is for both identical.