The Vector is a strikingly light and remarkably stable rigid frame wheelchair, which can also measure up to the high strain, because the daily routine has many unexpected challenges.
Built individually according to your measurements and needs
the all-rounder of the SORG-Rollstuhl-family
perfect adaptation to the therapeutic demands of each individual user, from childhood to adulthood
abducted or straight frame
individual adjustment fot he seat unit without affecting the wheel base
stable and smooth handling with minimized effort
growable in three dimensions
variable wheel camber
many cloth, colour and component options
Individual in detail
The Vector-wheelchair-concept cannot be topped in variability. Due to this, it can be adjuseted ideally to the needs of the user. If it is for an active driver or as a base for a seat shell, the Vector can be adjusted to almost any needs, due to its wide range of equipment.
Displaceable back tubes
With the build of an adapter to displace the back tubes, the Vector can be moved 4 cm back without seat or back cover incl. seat supporting angle and stabilizing bar. This way the seat depth is extended 4 cm and you gain more room toward the back for, for example, an attachment of a seat shell.
Very durable
Vector is a unique stable wheelchair with excelent driving features. It is suitable for children and adults and the followup model from the Mio. Its adaptability comes from the modular concept: a base for many further components which can be added or changed at any time.