Spacelabs 91393 Xprezzon® is a high acuity modular monitor suited for adult, pediatric, and neonatal. care, and as well as the perioperative environment. Xprezzon features a variety of configurations to fit the unique space and needs of your clinical environment.
Responsive and versatile
The Xprezzon provides easy access to patient data, creating information at the point of care for the clinician, with a full screen for view of physiologic information, the patient’s clinical data.
A modern and innovative design provides an appealing and comfortable experience for both patients and their families. The sleek, frameless display makes cleaning easier to minimize the risk of infection.
Ergonomic and versatile mounting solutions enhance the overall appearance of the care environment.
Various solutions for both monitor and cable management ensure a more organized and efficient workflow at the bedside.
The sleek, frameless display integrates highly visible LED alarm lights. These illuminate in the front and rear, enhancing the clinician’s ability to identify which monitor is alarming in the busy care environment. Xprezzon is also sensitive to a patient’s need for a good night’s rest, intuitively dimming the display in low ambient light.
High fidelity information where and when you need it
The high-resolution screen displays crisp and visually rich Custom Trends which enable faster and better informed patient assessment. With a single touch, clinicians can access different trend views based on observation needs, type of procedure, or clinical protocols. Trends can be displayed continuously for real-time updates of critical patient information.