The Spacelabs Healthcare Multigas Module is a sidestream analyzer that simultaneously monitors gas concentrations and alerts clinical personnel when the concentration of anesthetic agents, oxygen (O22), carbon dioxide (CO2), or nitrous oxide (N2O) moves outside the defined limits. The anesthetic agent being administered is automatically identified.
RELIABLE CO2 & multigas monitoring
FAST and continuous monitoring of oxygen including fiO2
AUTO agent identification
Product Specifications
FiO2 and ETCO2 are displayed after one breath and have a continuously updated breath average. ET will typically decrease below nominal value (ETnom) when respiration rate (RR) exceeds the RR threshold (RRth) according to the following formulas:
C2O: ET=ETnom × 70/RR for RRth >70
N2O, O2, DES, ENF, ISO, SEV: ET=ETnom × 50⁄RR for RRth >50
HAL: ET=ETnom × 35⁄RR for RRth >35
Measured at I/E ratio 1:1 using breath simulator according to EN ISO 80601-2-55 fig. 201.101.
Range 0 to 100%
Accuracy ±(1 vol% +2% of reading)
Measurement Rise Time <450 msec typically
Values Inspired oxygen (FiO2), expired oxygen (FeO2), and instantaneous O2
Gas Gross Effect <2 vol% N2O, <1 vol% anesthetic agents
Carbon Dioxide
Range 0 to 113 mmHg (0 to 15 kPa), 0 to 15%
Resolution 1 mmHg (0.1 kPa), 0.1%
Measurement Rise Time <250 msec typically
Accuracy ±(0.2 vol% +2% of reading)
Values I CO2, EtCO2, and instantaneous CO2
Gas Gross Effect <0.2% (O2, N2O, anesthetic agents)