The Spetec clean room cell is a clean room system which can be designed in a flexible manner as a cost effective alternative to a complete clean room. One or more laminar flow modules are placed on a mounting stand. The laminar flow modules as a result serve as a clean air shower under which the workplace is located or where products, instruments and other items are stored.
The mounting stand can be assembled according to specific requirements and with freely selectable measurements up to about 300 m2. The material used for this is an anodized aluminium profile or stainless steel. Thus, the clean room cell is usable in any laboratory, production room/hall or in an office without any construction activities. Through the combination of different laminar flow modules the effective clean room area can variably determined.
Clean room cell with return air duct
Optimal air flow
Climate control of the cell is possible
Directional air flow even with a high ceiling height
Clean room cell may be operated with low air flow speeds.
Clean room cell with return air duct via plenum
Small footprint
Climate control of the cell is possible
Clean room cell with return air duct via filter grid or clean room curtain
Cleaning effect for the environment
Cost effective solution
Clean room cell can also be realized with strip curtain