This Spirocco system integrates the most important monitoring tools that allow doctors to track changes in their patients' physiological and mental state over time.
The SPIROCCO "PACK AND GO" TERMINAL allows you to collect, display and transmit data from supported devices. These devices can be medical and fitness devices or other devices that support a healthy lifestyle. Doctors can use the provider interface to track their patients' values and changes in their health status. And patients can track changes in their values by logging into their profile in their mobile app.
It is an ideal choice for general check-ups outside the hospital/clinic, outpatient occupational health examinations, home care of chronic patients, elderly care.
What is included?
Pulse oximetry, Lung monitor, Blood pressure measurement, Blood glucose measurement, Non-contact thermometer, ECG, COVID questionnaire, GINA test, Mental hygiene questionnaires, Hearing control
452 x 259 x 157.5 mm
With cleaning agents included in the package
Hungarian, English
Bluetooth - between the devices and the Spirocco application, Wifi - between the application and the Spirocco server
Users can track their results in their free-to-download mobile app after using the mobile Health Point, and doctors/health care providers can track their results on their closed web interface