Highly versatile, with PSA or membrane technology, these generators are suitable for several analytical laboratory applications, ranging from gas chromatography to liquid mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Complete range of solutions: from 500 cc/min to 120 l/min.
The NitroGen series 7040 are Membrane Nitrogen Generators. They are engineered to
transform standard compressed air into a safe,
regulated supply of Nitrogen up to 70 l/min
with a purity up to 99.8%. An optional channel
can provide up to 40 l/min of compressed, dry
and regulated air.
This NG series is equipped with a scroll built-in
oil less compressor with inverter technology.
The exclusive electronic flow control combined
with the compressor control by the inverter allows to generate Nitrogen with a higher purity
using a smaller volume at less pressure of air
which results in reduced energy costs and increase the life time of the compressor. Continuous control of the operating parameters of
Nitrogen allows to maintain the system at its
maximum efficiency.
The 7040 with it’s dual Nitrogen and Air outlets has been developed to meet specific requirements in term of gas, flow, purity and pressure in LC-MS applications. It can be used for
the evaporation of solvents in samples being
• Solvent evaporation