End-To-End Stereotactic QA
Unrivaled 0.1 mm accuracy minimizes errors at each link in the stereotactic QA chain.
A variety of targeting inserts are available for testing accuracy.
Create and deliver a plan based on known geometry. Measure cumulative errors and systemic uncertainties from end-to-end in the stereotactic QA chain.
Ion chambers or film can confirm prescribed dose and software can help with automatic analysis of TG-142 recommended tests.
Validate the Complete Stereotactic QA Chain
The Lucy 3D QA Phantom exceeds strict demands set by physicists performing SRS/SRT QA. Each component of the Lucy phantom is manufactured within 0.1 mm tolerances, ensuring the most precise, practical SRS tool on the market.
Fast, Easy and Customizable Setup
The Lucy 3D QA Phantom interfaces with most commercial SRS frames and frameless systems for fast setup and verification of placement accuracy in patient treatment conditions. The SRS frame (with Lucy) is mounted on the couch and treated within the manufacturer’s exact coordinate system.
Be Precise.
Each component of the Lucy phantom is manufactured within 0.1 mm tolerances, ensuring the most precise, practical SRS tool on the market.
Confident Image Fusion
Use Lucy to verify the accuracy of image fusion with a single phantom. Fused images can be compared to measurements described in the Lucy specifications to ensure sub-millimeter precision.
Minimize Transfer Errors
Industry-leading manufacturing tolerances provide incomparable accuracy when contrasting the Lucy volumes, geometry and distance measurements to images in treatment planning software.