Trusted as your first line of defense from hurricanes by withstanding high wind pressure and resisting forced entry.
Designed to increase the structural resilience of essential facilities, the Dura-Storm Level E provides the utmost protection against windborne debris and hurricane-force wind loads when evacuation is not an option.
Beauty and the Beast
Welded panels and reinforcements keep the panels on track, reduce door damage and increase protection from flying debris and looting.
Add style and sophistication with 2" narrow stiles and special finishes (patterned wood laminate shown)
Miami-Dade Compliant and Fast to Install
Compliant with Florida Building Code, Miami-Dade NOA Code, and ASTM E283. Tested to withstand winds up to 75psf and the impact of flying debris.
Factory applied environmentally-friendly 3M VHB eliminates time-consuming calking during install.