High Quality Stainless Steel
Used in hospitals, laboratories, prosthetics
manufacturers, dental and veterinary,
Ergonomie design for easier and safer loading
unloadmg opérations,
In-built Steam Generator,
Easy one side access for service and maintenance.
Control and Observe
Ewry step on a handy T Touchscreen and PtC,
Full-automatk programs,adjustable
for spécifie calibrations.
Numeric and graphie display.
Integra ted 40-character thermal primer,
Safe and Sound
Wfth security measures that protect the operator and the device,
Emergency stop button,
Sensofs against obstructions on the doors pathway
Ooors locks under pressure,
Unabteto open both doors at once in SepticAseptic models.
Safe and Sound
Wfth security measures that protect the operator and the device,
Emergency stop bunon,
Sensors against obstructions on the doors pathway
Ooors locks undec pressure,
Unabtetoopen both doorsat oncein SepticAseptic models.