The Vacuum regulators are conceived and realized according with MDD 93/42/EEC.
The suction regulators are basically composed by one vacuum regulator and one or more liquid collecting jars.
The regulator and the collecting jar can be coupled or linked by means of hoses.
There are two versions only differing for the gauge scale:
ENDOTRACHEAL VACUUM REGULATOR, scale 0 / - 250 mbar code 25100205
ENDOTRACHEAL VACUUM REGULATOR, scale 0 / - 1000 code 25100206
The endotracheal Vacuum regulator is composed by :
. 1 Vacuum regulator, nickel- plated body, complete with on/off knob to adjust the needed vacuum level
. 1 Vacuum gauge 0 / - 1000 or 0 / 250 mbar
. 1 Per 300 cc liquid collecting jar
. 1 Probe for the connection to the terminal unit ( UNI 9507,AFNOR , DIN or BS )
Vacuum regulator
There are two versions only differing for the gauge scale:
VACUUM REGULATOR 0 / - 250 mbar code 25100202
VACUUM REGULATOR 0 / - 1000 mbar code 25100203
The suction regulator is composed by:
Vacuum regulator, nickel- plated body, complete
with on/off switch to adjust the needed vacuum level
Vacuum gauge scale 0 / - 1 or 0 – 0,4 bar
Hose holder nipple diam. 10 - 12 mm
Probe for the connection to the terminal unit ( UNI 9507,AFNOR , DIN or BS )
150 cc Jar, ABS lid, for direct connection to Vacuum regulator Code 25100210
300 cc Jar, ABS lid, for direct connection to Vacuum regulator Code 25100204
2000 cc Jar, ABS lid for rail mounting Code 25100002
Alluminium clamp code 24200100
Basket for collecting jar 2000 cc code 24200125
The jar is complete with an over-full trap and with a nipple for the connection to the Vacuum