The warming cabinets have been designed to bring the surgical fluids and solutions and or blankets, bags, solutions in plastic and glass containers to the temperature levels required for the applications in the hospital and ambulatory treatment venters.
General Characteristics
The device consists of internal and external surfaces made from stainless steel
The door consists of heat-resistant double glass, and can be made from stainless steel optionally
Walls and doors of the device have double layers, and the wall thickness of walls vary between 20 and 25mm depending on the thickness of the material
Air circulation is distributed homogenously with a fan
It is equipped with 4 types of user-friendly control systems selected within the ordering process
The upper and single divisions contain the key for switching between I.V. fluids and IRA/Blankets and control to keep the temperature in the range of 32 -44°C or 32 – 71.1°C. The temperature selection for lower divisions is between 32 and 71.1°C
Any error occurring in the device is shown on the digital screen
The device will produce audiovisual warning when the set temperature exceeds 5.5°C (± 0.5 ° C) and turns the heater off automatically
The double cabin control system controls the cabins and the temperatures of both cabins. Upper and lower cabins can operate at different temperatures
Indicators on the Control Panel
Digital temperature indication
The temperature adjustment buttons: buttons for selection of irrigation, blanket and solutions Off/on button for divisions
Temperature error indicator, door status indicator
Indicator that controls the temperatures of divisions actively