Lightness and style. The standard aluminum wheelchair with the best reliability and style
BREEZY Style is a versatile chair, and it can respond to any user needs. Its numerous customisation options are from being able to choose between 6 seat width options, 3 types of backrest (Standard, Half-folding or Reclinable), big or small rear wheel and different frame colours
Designed with an aluminium tube with 25mm, our BREEZY Style is the chair in which you can trust.
Whether you're looking for versatility, style, strength, or all at the same time, the BREEZY Style folding aluminum wheelchair is for you.
The BREEZY Style is the folding aluminum wheelchair you can trust.
Its reduced weight (from 13.9 kg) makes it the ideal alternative for users and companions looking for a standard wheelchair as light as possible. BREEZY Style is the lightest in the BREEZY manual wheelchairs.
It is not only light, but also offers great strength thanks to the aluminum shaft plate, its 25 mm diameter aluminum tube and the tubular design of the crosshead without screws or anchors. With 5 years warranty on the structure and crosshead!
The BREEZY Style manual wheelchair comes with a very complete standard configuration, but also with many configuration possibilities: anatomical seats and backrests, liftable footrests, short, with single platform... and a wide range of accessories such as pole support, Transit wheels, drum brakes, table ... etc. to adapt the chair to the current and future needs of the user.