Gastric calibration tube as an accompaniment to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy in the treatment of morbid obesity
1.0 Product description
There are various types and sizes of shenyun stomach calibration tubes: from ordinary stomach calibration tubes to stomach calibration tubes with X-ray lines or balloons with other functions
I Type Gastric calibration tube is composed of catheter, inner cone joint, silicone head, universal connector and check clip. The product is provided sterile, sterilized by ethylene oxide and disposable use.
II Type Gastric calibration tube consists of catheter, inner cone joint, silicone head, universal connector, one-way valve (belt Metal parts), balloon composition, the product is provided sterile, ethylene oxide sterilization, once use.
2.0 Instructions
The Calibration TUBE is introduced orally until it reaches the positioning site. Once the gastric pouch has been completed, a leak test can be performed. For this purpose, a syringe is connected using the universal connector and air or liquid is introduced into the stomach segment. The tube can be closed as required using the tube closure clip. Following completion of the leak test, the liquid is aspirated via the holes in the gastric calibration tube.
• Oesophageal perforation
• Stapling over the gastric tube when using stapling instruments