Anti-noise earplug

anti-noise earplug
anti-noise earplug
anti-noise earplug
anti-noise earplug
anti-noise earplug
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Banded hearing protectors are easy to use,extremely comfortable.They are fast insert and remove in quick and can be worm or around theneck when not for use,making them ideal for intermittently use.It offers simplicity to help improve the choice of hearing protectionproducts that suits the working environment greatly.With replacementfoam pods making them a more cost-saving option. Features and benefits: Comfortable +Extremely light +Very low pressure into the ear canal +Without deep insertion Pod plugs seal the entrance part of theear canal. EN 352-2:2020 SNR 29dB ANSI S3.19-1974Noise Redudion Rale NRR 23dB


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