The most versatile implant on the market: the three different coronal emergences, combined with the possibility of choosing a conical or cylindrical intraosseous morphology, allow the optimum solution to be found for every surgical situation.
Premium implants have a prevalently cylindrical morphology, with a conical progression only in the apical section. Kohno implants have the same cylindrical profile as Premium implants in the most coronal portion, while they have a conical profile in the central and apical part; this tapering is greater as the implant length increases. The difference in morphology between Premium and Kohno implants can be more clearly noted in implants longer than 10 mm. Both implants share the following features:
Thread with a pitch of 1 mm, a conical profile in the apical direction and a convex profile in the direction of the crown. These characteristics increase primary stability and avoid traumas to the bone after load application.