Access patient-specific tractography with unprecedented ease
Whole-brain tractography, automatically bundled using AI to provide patient-specific bundles of interest within seconds.
Our latest feature – Reveal – takes our tractography offering even further applying free water correction to display tracts in areas around brain lesions that are typically obscured by diffusion signal washout, such as areas of edema.
Synaptive’s Dynamic Free Water Correction software automatically applies a correction to tractography that allows for the recovery of eloquent tracts in areas around brain lesions previously impacted by edema. This information can be combined with vascular, bone and functional imaging, allowing users to see their patients in new ways to offer better treatment.
Why Tractography?
Tractography is a non-invasive tool that infers the location of the white matter. Understanding this patient-specific information may be used to inform safer treatment.
Tractography can be used to determine an approach to a tumor, to help define boundaries of resection, or for post-operative tracking of patient recovery.
Modus Plan Overview
Easy access to tractography
Synaptive automatically groups tracts into patient-specific bundles of interest such as the corticospinal tract or arcuate fasciculus, making it easy for the surgical team to access tractography when and where they need it — for every patient.
Enables precision medicine to support value-based care
Modus Plan Allows surgeons to perform immersive simulations of various minimally invasive surgical approaches, and tailor their treatment to that individual patient.