Synimix VTP is a vacuum Mixing Device for vertebroplasty that offers two major advantages: elimination of fumes produced during mixing as the mixing container is airtight; and minimization of air bubble entrapment, as mixing is carried out under reduced pressure (vacuum). These effects perdue when the application syringe is screwed into the system and filled by direct suction. Consequently environmental contamination is reduced and mechanical properties of cement are enhanced.
Synimix VTP Vacuum Application Device is available in a case containing the instructions for use and a double ETO sterile blister containing Synimix VTP elements. This assures a double protective sterile barrier.
The Vacuum Mixing device BioMix VTP for Vertebroplasty Cement includes:
• 1 Mixing Body
• 1 Body Lid with mixing rod
• 1 plastic Tube, 3 mm inner diameter and 2 m long
• 1 fume-absorbing cartridge
• 1 Funnel
• 1 Raccord coupling for tubes (3 mm to 6 mm diameter)