Cellartis 2i mES/iPSC Culture Medium is a serum-free, defined cell culture medium for the establishment of mouse ES and iPS cell lines. This medium contains two selective small molecule inhibitors (2i technology: CHIR99021 and PD0325901) that act to eliminate differentiation-inducing signals from GSK3β and ERK/MEK, respectively, and promote cell proliferation.
The culture medium alone can be used for long-term maintenance of naive, ground state mouse embryonic stem cells or fully pluripotent mouse iPS cells. Addition of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) can also induce the efficient conversion of partial- or pre-iPS cells into fully pluripotent iPS cells via Nanog (Silva et al. 2008; Silva et al. 2009).
The 2i technology has also been used to establish ES cells from mouse strains for which it is difficult to produce germline-competent ES cells (Nichols et al. 2009) and to induce iPS cells from human and livestock species
Cellartis 2i mES/iPSC Culture Medium is a serum-free, defined cell culture medium for the establishment of mouse ES and iPS cell lines. This medium contains two selective small molecule inhibitors ('2i'), CHIR99021 and PD0325901, that act to eliminate differentiation-inducing signals from GSK3β and ERK/MEK, respectively, and promote cell proliferation.
Completely defined, serum-free formulation promotes cell proliferation and maintains pluripotent state
Uses selective small molecule inhibitors to block differentiation signals from GSK3β and ERK/MEK, allowing establishment and long-term maintenance of germline-competent mouse ES and iPS cells