FIREPAC, First Aid Kit (448x343x168 mm) for rangers and fire rescue teams, with wall mounting bracket and with the following contents :
2 paires of unsterile latex gloves
1 infatable splint, EUROSPLINT, whole leg
1 infatable splint, EUROSPLINT, whole arm
1 Zimmer splint
2 instant ice packs
3 triangular bandages
1 rescue blanket
12 sterile gauze sheets 18x40 cm
3 adhesive plasters 6x10 cm
1 adhesive plasters 100x6 cm
1 packet of 40 assorted sizes plasters
2 gauze bandages m 4x5 cm
2 gauze bandages m 4x7 cm
2 gauze bandages m 4x10 cm
2 first aid dressing, 80x100 mm, sterile
2 first aid dressing , 100x120 mm, sterile
1 plasters roll m 5x2,5 cm
10 disinfectant wipes
1 tournique
1 non woven burns dressing, 60x80 cm, sterile
1 non woven burns dressing, 40x60 cm, sterile
1 cotton wool packet, 50 gr.
1 disinfectant bottle, 250 ml
12 safety pins
1 pair of Lister scissor
1 tweezers
1 sterile lancet
1 sterile non woven pad 10x10 cm
5 ammonia wipes
1 burn gel sachet, 3,5 ml
1 poison suction pump
1 blood stopping pad
1 sponge
1 first aid instruction leaflet (live languages)