The Freedom EVOlyzer provides an ideal solution for processing entire assay panels in a single run. Offering reliable pipetting performance for various sample types, including serum, stool, urine and saliva, it can easily adapt to varying throughputs while maintaining speed, precision and accuracy.
The Freedom EVOlyzer platform enables automation of all common ELISA steps without compromising operator safety, including sample distribution, sample predilution, reagent pipetting, incubation, plate washing, optical density reading and analysis.
Continuous sample loading enables fast response to changing demands, offering higher throughput and time savings.
Choose between washable fixed tips and disposable tips to optimize productivity and minimize sample carry over.
Dynamic scheduling optimizes system usage and turnaround times.
Maintenance reports support laboratory quality management and reduce administrative efforts.
Optimized pipetting parameters for consistent processing of precious and difficult to pipette sample types.
Capacitive liquid level detection (cLLD) enables pre-checking of sample, reagent and buffer volumes, while clot detection ensures reliable sample aspiration.
Individually controlled temperature for each heated incubation slot.
The Freedom EVOlyzer uses the sophisticated Magellan™ data reduction software for all endpoint assay analyses, providing powerful capabilities, excellent data presentation, and outstanding graphical flexibility.