Techne are pleased to announce the introduction of our FREE OF CHARGE, easy to use control software for many of our RS232 compatible products. This software has been designed to supersede the existing Calsoft and Thermsoft software packages.
It will allow customers to carry out all the tasks previously available on Calsoft and Thermsoft plus many new options on one new package. It is fully compatible with the current Techne TU-20D and TU-20HT thermoregulators and older discontinued models such as the TU-20C.
Software Features
• Create, open and save programs with up to 20 set points.
• Specify either °C or °F.
• Specify ramp rates and hold times.
• Log data from the instrument while connected to the computer and export the data to an Excel spreadsheet.
• Open, save, view and print logged data.
• Run a program in real-time mode.
• Specifying the logging interval from every 5 seconds to 60 seconds
Compatible units are as follows:-
Thermoregulators - TU-20D and TU-20HT
TechneWorks software enables you to specify ramp rates and
hold times for your applications. It can be used to calibrate
thermometers and sensors and then generate calibration
certificates using a Techne Liquid bath. The Calibration bath can
act as the reference temperature or connect to a range of external