A web solution to easily manage orders creation, optimize collection management and provide real-time results access at the patient’s bedside.
Smart order creation
Numerous features facilitate orders and enable redundancy check, to enhance the healthcare quality, reduce costs and optimize the workload.
Full traceability
From collection to reception at the laboratory where it can be acknowledged via the bar code scanner, TDWeb ensures an exhaustive traceability at every step.
Results in real-time as soon as they are available
No matter the discipline, the diagnosis preparation is easier thanks to the real-time access to all available results in the consolidated patient file.
Easy installation
An easily deployed Web solution that only requires an internet browser. Thanks to the intuitive interface, users acquire knowledge very quickly.
TDWeb allows prescribers to create order easily and efficiently, from care units:
A reference for order creation
Make the laboratory rules and settings the reference for order creation
Simplify configuration: inherit the laboratory settings and dictionaries
Test profiles based on the laboratory’s dictionaries
Facilitate the update of test profiles thanks to shared data
Adapt the tool to the needs and specialties of care units
Redundancy check
Avoid prescribing unnecessary tests and save money
Optimize laboratory workload
Reduce costs
Access the collection protocol and give useful advice for patient comfort