Neuro-rehabilitation solution via FPS
Lower and upper limbs
Key success factors of the Vibramoov PRO technology :
Promote neuroplasticity through the application of early, intense treatment that makes sense to the patient.
Two modes to preserve & enhance sensory-motor functions
Mode 1
Mobility Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations (FPS)
FPS stimulate the nervous system with sensory information identical to those of natural movements.
They induce sensations of movement and can provoke motor responses corresponding to the movements felt by the patient. FPS facilitate movement, keep sensorimotor interactions alive and stimulate neuroplasticity.
Lower limb
Bedridden, upright, postural control, walking on a treadmill, in combination with an exoskeleton or overground walking.
Upper limb
Seated with or without arm support.
MODE 2 :
Regulation of muscle tone Focal Vibration (FV)
Focal vibrations are applied on the middle of the muscle. The aim is to preserve muscle architecture & promote the regulation of the muscle activity between agonist & antagonist. Possible synchronous treatments of patients with similar conditions allow a larger number of daily applications.