Management software for TempSticks (all versions), HumiSticks and ZED IT radio sensors from Syrinx system.
FridgeLog Z is designed to monitor temperature and humidity continuously, so for all those applications where a non-stop control is required: especially for environments, fridges, fridge cells in supermarkts, logistic warehouses. The database is organized by branches and monitoring spots for each branch, the recorded data are appended to the previous one downloaded for each point, so to have the thermal history for that particular point of monitoring.
The software allows an advanced management of the data and to insert directly in the graph the registered Non Conformities, indicating the Corrective Actions and the closing date, as demanded by the ISO standard. It can be used with TempStick and HumiStick and FLI (data are downloaded periodically to the interface and then transferred to the PC) and with the wireless ZED IT sensors of the Syrinx system, for a real time check. Data evaluation is made through the MKT (Mean Kinetic Temperature) formula: different monitoring profiles can be created to be assigned to the different spots to check the acquired data that go out of the set thresholds. Using the ZED radio sensors it is possible to get real time alarms too.
The software is multi-user and multi-level (Administrator, Advanced, Standard), with login and password access. It allows to print reports, inclduing the data table and the NCs registered and can print also all the points in each branch in one time. Data backup is very easy and the reverse option to restore all the backed up data is quick