Teco Diagnostics is proud to introduce our complete line of Urinalysis products. From our world renowned Urine Reagent Strips (URS) to our semi-automated Urine Strip Readers.
Color Indicator
Testing Procedure:
Storage Temperature:
Expected Values/Sensitivity:
Nitrite: No nitrite in normal urine (0.075mg/dL sensitivity)
Leukocytes: Normal urine specimens generally yield negative results (10‐15 WBC/µL
Limitation of Procedure:
Nitrite: The pink color is not quantitative in relation to the number of bacteria present.
Any degree of pink coloration should be interpreted as a positive nitrite test suggestive
of 105 or more organisms/mL. There are occasional urinary tract infections from
organisms which do not contain reductase to convert nitrate into nitrite.
Leukocytes: Highly colored urine and the presence of the drugs cephalexin (Keflex®) and
gentamicin have been found to interfere with this test. High urinary protein of 500mg/dL
or above diminishes the intensity of the reaction color. Elevated glucose concentration
or high specific gravity may cause decreased results.
Expected Shelf Life:
90 days at 15‐30°C once opened
18 months at 15‐30°C unopened