Teco Diagnostics is proud to introduce our complete line of Urinalysis products. From our world renowned Urine Reagent Strips (URS) to our semi-automated Urine Strip Readers.
Color Indicator
Testing Procedure:
Storage Temperature:
Expected Values/Sensitivity:
Glucose: Concentrations as little 0.1g/dL may be significantly abnormal if found
consistently (100mg/dL sensitivity)
Blood: No blood in normal urine (0.015mg/dL sensitivity)
Protein: 1‐14mg/dL may be excreted by the normal kidney (15mg/dL sensitivity)
Nitrite: No nitrite in normal urine (0.075mg/dL sensitivity)
Leukocytes: Normal urine specimens generally yield negative results (10‐15 WBC/µL
Limitations of Procedure:
Glucose: Moderate amounts of ketone bodies (40mg/dL or greater) may decrease color
development in urine containing small amounts of glucose (75‐125mg/dL). However,
such concentration of ketone simultaneously with such glucose concentration is
metabolically improbable in screening. The reactivity of the glucose test decreases as the
specific gravity and/or ascorbic acid of the urine increases. Reactivity may also vary with
Blood: The sensitivity of the blood test is reduced in urine with high specific gravity
and/or high ascorbic acid content. Microbial peroxidase, associated with urinary tract
infection may cause false positive reactions.