Bilirubin is used for the quantitative determination of direct and total bilirubin in human serum.
Number of Tests:
480 tests
4 x 120 mL bottles
Colorimetric, Endpoint
Testing Procedure:
560 nm
20 mg/dL
Expected Values:
Direct: Up to 0.5 mg/dL
Total: Up to 1.0 mg/dL
It is strongly suggested that each laboratory establish its own range of expected values.
Reagent Deterioration:
The reagent should be discarded if: (1) Sodium Nitrite reagent has a yellow discoloration;
(2) Reagent fails to achieve assigned assay values of fresh control sera.
Limitations of procedure:
In this assay, as in all laboratory procedures, materials, which come in contact with
specimens, should be clean and free of contamination by heavy metals, detergents, and
other chemicals