alcium reagent is used for the direct, colorimetric determination of calcium in human serum or urine.
Number of Tests:
480 tests
4 x 120 mL bottles
Testing Procedure:
570 nm
20 mg/dL
Expected Values:
8.5‐10.5 mg/dL
Children under 12 usually have high normal value, which decreases with aging.
It is strongly suggested that each laboratory establish its own range of expected values.
Reagent Deterioration:
The reagent should be discarded if: (1) Turbidity has occurred; (2) The reagent fails to
meet linearity claims or fails to recover control values in the stated range.
Limitations of Procedure:
Substances that contain calcium or complex calcium should not come in contact with the
test specimen. Examples: EDTA, citrate, oxalate, and fluoride.
Specimens from patients receiving bromsulfophthalein (BSP) or EDTA should not be
Lipemic or hemolyzed samples require a serum blank.
Contamination of glassware with calcium (usually from detergents) will adversely affect
the test. Use acid‐washed glassware or plastic tubes.