Cholinesterase reagent is used for in vitro diagnostic use in the quantitative kinetic determination of cholinesterase in human serum, plasma, or whole blood.
Number of Tests:
60 tests
10 x 6 mL bottles
Testing Procedure:
Reconstituted Stability:
6 hours at 15‐30°C
3 days at 2‐8°C
405 nm
8,000 IU/L at 30°C
Expected Values:
Serum: 3100‐7700 U/L (at 30°C)
Plasma: 1700‐4100 U/L(at 30°C)
Whole Blood: 3300‐5500 U/L(at 30°C)
Erythrocytes: 4400‐8200 U/L(at 30°C)
Reagent Deterioration:
The reagent should be discarded if: (1) moisture has penetrated the vial and caking has
occurred; (2) The reconstituted reagent has as absorbance against water greater than
1.200 at 405 nm.
Limitations of Procedure:
Hemolyzed serum samples should not be used. Certain drugs and other substances are
also known to affect cholinesterase activity.
Extremely lipemic samples or icteric serum should have blank correction performed.
This procedure does not include Dibucaine or Fluoride for resistance studies.