ALIFIX is a medical device which, thanks to its particular design, fits comfortably between the teeth. It induces a gentle training that relaxes masticatory and neck muscles during physiologically frequent movements of swallowing.
ALIFIX, makes it possible to check the correct balance of the muscles of mastication, through the application of simple and repeatable clinical protocols.
Assessing the mastication act is an increasingly useful procedure to check whether tooth contacts and muscles are in balance with each other.
A condition of imbalance - which is often clinically silent - can interfere with the finalization and stability of dental or orthodontic treatment. It can also cause increased occlusal sensitivity in the patient.
ALIFIX allows to test the chewing act: it temporarily deconditions muscles to bring to light possible pre-contacts and detects the correct position of the jaw.
In the medical field, instrumental examinations accompany clinical assessment to support measure. The combination of these two kinds of data, clinical and instrumental, is fundamental to make a correct diagnosis: the lack of clinical evaluation makes data difficult to interpret with the risk of non-adequate therapy.
Combining Alifix and Teethan, we can obtain a complete and more accurate diagnosis by selectively investigating the activity of the Temporalis and Masseter muscles during clenching, swallowing and the chewing act.
ALIFIX allows to perform a clinical analysis including the patient's perception, which will be then quantified by Teethan’s assessment.