The system allows to program the automatic reagent distribution (from 1 to 7 in the
standard version or from 1 to 13 as option). The shaking opération, made through the
worktop oscillation can be optimized by setting the speed and the amplitude of the shaking
movement. The instrument allows to program and set différent worktop configurations: 40
or 20 strips per session or 3 différent protocols per session. For each reagent a level
monitoringfunction is implemented.
Liquid level sensors - 1 for each reagent equipped with alarm for signalize low liquid level, waste tank float with alarm
Tray - Stainless steel, oscillating up to 120°, removable for cleaning purposes
Tray model - Standard models, adaptors on request for custom models
No of strips - Up to 40 (depending on tray model)
No of test per session - up to 3
No of protocols - 20
No of reagents - 7 standard (up to 13 as option)
Shaking - Workplain oscillations up to 120°
Shaking movement speed and amplitude - Programmable