The cabinet has been designed with a working area which is hermetically sealed to
guarantee the highest level of personal protection by biological risk. The incoming air is
Crossing an HEPA filter and then is exhausted totally through a double layer of serial ULPA
filters. The airflow is guaranteed by a particular suction system which maintains négative
pressure (about 124,5 Pa) inside the cabinet. The access to the working area is guaranteed
by latex sleeve gloves, which are installed and fixed, via a coupling flange, on the front
window of the cabinet. The product, although handled in a stérile environment, is indeed
subject to risk of contamination due to the turbulence of the airflow inside the working
area. The presence of air turbulences does not suggest to use this cabinet in case it is
necessary to preserve and guarantee the sterility of the product.
The ambient air enters, in horizontal laminar flow and in Class 100, from the latéral side of
the cabinet after sterilization through absolute HEPA filter and crosses the stainless-steel
working surface. The contaminated air, pulled by an external electric motor-fan on the
cabinet upper part, in order to maintains négative pressure inside the working area, passes
through two absolute ULPA filters. The clean air is now totally exhausted outside the
building through a sealed pipe system. The exhaust air quantity has to be reintegrated in
the ambient in order to avoid a dépréssion that could prevent the proper functioning of the
equipment. The temperate glass frontal panel and the latex gloves applied to it,