Automated dish pourer for filling up to 550 Pétri dishes per hour. Complété with UV lamp, automatic Pétri dishes opening / closing device, dispensing tunnel and unstacker for the automated dispensing of the empty Pétri dishes. Various interchangeable dispensing tunnels are available in order to give the possibility to work with any size of dishes diameter from 50 mm to 150 mm. Format changes can be easly implemented by replacing the dispensing tunnel (cod.791060) with no mechanical régulations. The system provides the possbility to add blood or additives directly to the culture media (cod.791360) mixing it on line. The system is standard supplied calibrated to work with one diameter Pétri dish (any from 50 to 150 mm). If you need to work with more than one format you will need an extra tunnel (cod. 791060). The same applies to the output Stacker (cod. 791061). We offer you the possibility to choose between a table (cod. 791310) to collect the dishes or a Stacker (cod. 791300S) which automatically stacks 10 filled dishes.
Type Automated, each plate is unloaded from the Stacker, opened, filled, closed and expelled
Speed up to 450 plates/hour depending on the used plates
Supported Pétri dishes sizes
Standard 90 mm. Optional 50 - 150 mm, depending on the selected dispensing tunnel
Petri dishes loading capacity Up to 20 Plates (90mm)
Petri dishes height - 15-21 mm
Sterility conditions - Kept by UV lamp over the dispensing tunnel
Empty dishes loader up to 20