a skin care equipment using 2 types of heat,
Non-needle Fractional RF and Thermal RF,
helpful for problematic skin
Fractional Tip
With minimal epidermal damage,
transfers uniform heat energy to the dermis and can be helpful in
wrinkles, pigments, pores, scars, and skin tone care
Thermal tip
With minimal epidermal damage. transfers uniform heat energy to the
dermis and helps collagen production and elastin regeneration
Multi Pulse RF (MPRF)
splits one pulse into multiple pulses
for deeper heat transfer, relieving pain and
ensuring safe treatment
Our new technology (MPRF) stimulates not only §
the dermal layer but also the Dermal White ‘
Adipose Tissue (DWAT) layer, helping to ‘
produce collagen. :
Applying RF current, it penetrates deeper layer :
than traditional technique and brings the best °
effect with energy concentration. :
Skin Conditions and Care Program
Skin Texture Care
Consultation (Skin analysis) = Cleansing = Exfoliation with Scrubber = Facial Mask (1%)
= Toner = RF Cream = Thermal tip (Full face 900 shots) = Soothing gel(aloe)
™ Hydrating Ampoule + lontophoresis = Rubber Mask with Gauze (2™ )
=» LED care (Green or Near-Infrared Rays/IR) = Moisturizing Cream = Sunscreen (finishing up)
Skin Brightening / Tone UP Care
Consultation (Skin analysis) = Cleansing = Exfoliation with Scrubber = Facial Mask (1%)
= Toner = Fractional Tip (Full face 250 shots) +(RF Cream) Thermal tip (Part 300
shots) =» Cryo =» Brightening Ampoule + lontophoresis m= Rubber Mask with Gauze (2™ )
= LED care (Yellow) =» Brightening cream =» Sunscreen (finishing up)