The Microblot-Array assay is intended for the diagnosis of CMV infection using IgG antibodies in human serum or plasma in the general population. The qualitative, semi-quantitative and quantitative automated assay is designed for professional use in a laboratory. The assay is not intended to assess the suitability for transfusion, transplantation or cell administration.
• Used Antigen: combination of selected parts of the specific antigens of CMV (p150, IEA (p72), p65, p52, p28, gB).
• Recombinant antigens are applied in the form of microdots (spots) in triplets to a nitrocellulose membrane in a microtiter well format.
• If specific antibodies are present in the sample, they will bind to the respective antigens.
• The complex is labelled with Conjugate and detected through a colour reaction with substrate (BCIP/NBT).
• The kit enables 48 tests.
• Short incubation periods, total assay time: approximately 1.5 h.
• Each individual test includes control spots, which serves to check functionality and sensitivity of the sets, and also the spots for checking the presence of the conjugate.
• Positive controls included enabling validation of the tests.
• For quantitative evaluation the wells contain calibration spots.
• All reagents supplied are ready to use.
• The kit may be used sequentially for smaller batches of samples (reagents are provided in sufficient quantities).
• Evaluation using Microblot-Array reader and the appropriate software.
• Diagnostic of cytomegalovirus infection,
• Confirmatory test to ELISA.