Down-draft-grossing tables
Specialized worktables guarantees a laboratory environment free of pollutants while slicing and preparing histological slide preparations, and is even well suited for small dissections. Airflow travels over the entire working area and is vacuumed out underneath, which provides optimal removal of unsanitary vapours.
MAC (maximum allowable concentration) values from formalin are below target throughout the entire vacuum-effected area. The cutting table has to be connected to a side-mounted exhaust system (not included).
Universal Cutting Station GSU-V ventilated and illuminated
Down-draft-grossing table
Dual working table with a large surface area
Stepless height adjustable across an integrated electric drive from 750 to 1000 mm
Built in Illumination with “daylight” quality approx. 5000°K suitable for direct photography
Holding device for easy and quick installation of different mountings like camera tripod, magnifying lamps etc.
Swivelling holder for scale, documents and dictaphone.