Specially adapted to the diverse requirements of inpatient care (pain therapy, decubitus therapy, palliative care), the ThevoautoActiv 800 offers a very wide range of applications. The unit consisting of wing springs base and mattress ensures that the patient lies softly and in motion at the same time.
Soft bearing system vs. Thevo
Thevo promotes cognition and the affected person does not lose it as on an alternating pressure system.
Thevo does not swallow the body movements like a conventional soft bearign system
Features & Highlights
Safety for nursing through 3-in-1 system (pressure ulcer - pain - palliative)
Reduction of the risk of decubitus
Quick to use, easy to operate
patient lies softly and moves at the same time
even pressure distribution, extended positioning intervals
Wing springs absorb the slightest movements and return them to the patient
Special air channels in the mattress ensure soft lying comfort and optimal ventilation of the skin
Comfort lying system for domestic use