With a compact and light-weight design, the eVu TPS is an elegantly portable sensor that brings biometric data measurement out of the clinic and into your client’s smartphone and tablet.
eVu-TPS Sensor
Applied to a single finger with a fabric strap, the sensor detects and transmits three highly-researched measurements of psychophysiological health: heart rate variability, skin conductance and surface temperature. Data transmission takes place in real time via Bluetooth to the companion app, providing the user with immediate information for stress, focus, relaxation and recovery. Included with the eVu TPS sensor is the carrying case, ensuring the sensor is protected wherever it goes in the user’s pocket, purse or side bag.
Heart Rate Variability
When at rest, a healthy heart beat speeds up as you inhale, and slows down as you exhale. These moment-to-moment changes between successive heart beats are a telling measurement of nervous system health in terms of physical, emotional, and mental function. Studies show high heart rate variability is associated with better recovery following exertion, higher resilience to psychophysiological disorders, as well as positive feelings and outlooks on life. Stress, especially when prolonged, decreases heart rate variability. Training to increase heart rate variability by following slow, relaxed paced breathing decreases the effects of stress on the nervous system, leading to diminished negative psychophysiological issues.
Skin Conductance
Emotional arousal affects the pores on the surface of our skin, which in turn affects the subtle changes in sweating.