Armchair allows give different body position to the patient
a wider seat it can be used in urology
we supply leg section, by means of which armchair is transformed into the treatment table.
Sizes of this device are comprehended with a padding shaped in fireproof flexible foam
Product description: Reliable and practical gynecological armchair is widely used in gynecology cabinets to conduct surveys and various procedures, as well as minor surgical interventions.
SIZE: L1900mm x W650mm x H750mm
COLOR: Black ,Blue , Pink , Brown , White
MATERIAL: PU , PVC , Stainless Steel
APPLICATION: Hospital, Clinic, Physiotheray
For Gynocology exams these examination these chairs make it much easy for patients and their doctors and nurses.
For added comfort the hand grips and a fixation device for the leg holder systems are set in to proper placement.
The contemporary design allows for a wide array of patients to be comfortable during their exam, especially the elderly and handicapped patients.
This chair comes in a wide array of colors to fit any type of exam room style.